Register for educational webinars. More information on the registration link provided.
Bulding Your Case for Past Non-Compliance
January 31, 2025 at Noon – Register Here
This webinar offers a comprehensive guide to addressing past non-compliance in long-term care facilities. Participants will gain insights into the criteria for citing PNC and explore practical strategies for corrective actions, staff training, and ongoing monitoring. Through case examples and proven frameworks like the PDSA cycle and root cause analysis, attendees will be equipped to transform challenges into opportunities for quality improvement and compliance assurance.
Learner Outcomes:
- Participants will learn the essential criteria that must be met to establish PNC, including regulatory requirements, timing, and evidence of corrective actions.
- Participants will explore actionable steps to document, implement, and sustain changes that address non-compliance and prevent recurrence.
Membership Forum
January 24, 2025 at 10 – 10:45 am
Register Here
Join us for a Membership Round Table where your voice shapes the future! This open forum is designed for WDONC members to share insights, needs, and ideas as we gather valuable input to guide our strategic planning meeting in spring 2025.
Your feedback is vital to ensuring our initiatives, resources, and support align with the evolving needs of long-term care professionals. Let’s collaborate to strengthen our community and advance the quality of care for residents and staff across the continuum.
Be a part of the conversation. Together, we’ll chart the course for a stronger future!
All-Hands on Deck for Resident Happiness: Rethinking Your Approach to Customer Service
Presented Live: March 22, 2023 | Noon – 1pm cst
You might ask yourself, how can we possibly add any additional duties to our day-to-day practices? However, a well-designed customer service program is not only the foundation for building trusting relationships with residents and families, but when a system can be fully implemented, it can enhance resident satisfaction and reduce the risk of a complaint survey. We are not talking about a good form to collect a grievance, but a philosophy of service embraced by multiple departments and team members.