Click on the BECOME A MEMBER box next to the type of member you would like to purchase.
Due to updates from various email servers, please use a company email @domain to create a user account. Using a,, etc domain will often block our email from reaching you. This is a new issue that large, free email domains are using to block spam. If you have questions, please contact Melissa.
Already have your email in our system and would like to become a member? Login HERE and click on the link in the welcome box to become a member. You can click on Forgot Password or contact [email protected] to reset your password or help you set up a Membership.
We invite you to become a member of our organization if you are a…
- Director of Nursing
- Nurse Manager
- Nursing Supervisor
- Vendor to the LTC Continuum
- Assistant Director of Nursing
- Education Coordinator
- Long Term Health Care Professional, RN, MD
- Administrator
- MDS Coordinator
Receive the maximum benefit from your dues dollar: Your membership dues are shared by Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council & Education Forum to provide maximum benefit to our members by supporting additional educational opportunities. We also fund nursing scholarships for students interested in long term care.
Benefits of Membership
Vital education with member discounts:
- Weekly Support Calls
- Weekly Membership Newsletter
- Annual Symposium
- Webinar / On-Demand Education Discount
- Online Networking and Discussion Boards
- LTC Nursing Leadership Course
- Access to our on-line Member List
- Networking / Mentoring
Membership Levels
Professional Membership
become a member $99.00 annually
Any licensed Registered Nurse who is currently or has previously served in a position as Director or Assistant or Associate Director or Consulting Director of Nursing within the long term care continuum and/or who serves or has served in a long term care facility. “Continuum” is defined as, but not limited to: Subacute care, long-term care trauma, CBRF, facility based home health, or long term care pediatrics.
Benefits include banding together with several hundred others in management/supervisory nursing roles for strength on LTC issues; Continuing Education units earned at Symposium and Workshops throughout the year, plus reduced registration fees for education and training related to your career and personal development. You will also be able to access the Members Only links on the website –Membership List, Discussion Group. By holding a Professional Membership, you will be a voting member of the organization. This is an individual membership and belongs to the member regardless of their organization affliation during the course of their membership term.
Facility Membership
become a member $159 annually
All members of the same facility or organization benfefit like that of a professional membership. This membership belongs to the facility. Each facility is allowed one vote per facility membership.
Corporate Membership
become a member
Any corporate or LLC organization that manages multiple centers/facilites under a unified management structure can become a corporate member and have each facility/center recieve the benefits of membership. Each center/facility would recieve the benefits of membership as listed under the facility membership category.
Cost for 3-5 facilities/centers is $329
6-10 facilites/centers is $639
11-19 facilities/centers is $949
20-29 facilities/centers is $1249
30 + facilities/centers is $1499Call 877.366.1144 x 1 to recieve corporate membership for your facilities/centers.
Business Partner Membership
Business Partner Membership
become a member $229 – $5000 annually
Exhibitors and Suppliers to the Long-Term Care industry. Any interested professional or nonprofessional involved in providing services or products to the long-term care industry. Visit our prospectus for membership level descriptions.
This is a non-voting membership. Be aware that our Board of Directors has determined that our membership list is not available for general sales solicitation, but rather may be used as a tool to educate and stay in touch with current customers.
Please contact Melissa Montgomery to learn more about the Business Membership, Benefits, and Pricing.