Thanks to our Partnership with Pathway Health, we can bring the Director of Nursing Basics Certification Course to Wisconsin.  

This certification course is available to any nursing leader who feels they would benefit from this foundational training and credential. It is for Directors of Nursing, Assistant Directors of Nursing, Nurse Managers, Supervisors, etc. Train your team to meet the demands of leadership. 

Must complete in-person April 30 – May 1 and June 4 – 5th, 2025
LindenGrove Waukesha

Must complete 28-hours of education



Are you ready to empower your nursing leadership team to thrive in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape? Look no further than our comprehensive DON Basics Certification Course provided in partnership with Pathway Health.

Learner Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe the organizational planning necessary for a DON.
  2. Verbalize the DON Role in budget management in relation to resident acuity and staff management.
  3. Describe the essential steps in safety management of resident care.
  4. Identify key systems (Falls, Wounds, Infection Control, Pain, etc.) and how to ensure evidence based policies and procedures as well as consistent implementation are instituted.
  5. Verbalize the necessary key human resource “need to knows” for the DON.
  6. Describe the importance of relationships: Residents, Families, Administrator, IDT, Nursing Management Team, Staff, Medical Director, Pharmacy Consultant, Hospital Discharge Planners and Surveyors.
  7. Describe the DON’s role in medication management in the facility
  8. Verbalize the necessary staff education components
  9. Verbalize the DON’s role in oversight of MDS, Medicare management, reimbursement and related documentation systems.
  10. Verbalize the DON’s role in oversight of the facility nursing documentation system and follow through
  11. Describe the DON role in preparation and management of the survey process.
  12. Identify the DON’s role in Quality Assurance and QAPI in the facility.

Member $1,199
Non-Member $1,299

A minimum of 10 participants is needed to host the course. Maximum is approximately 30.

Pathway Health DON Manual is included with registration along with the credentialing exam.

Cancelation Policy: No refund will be given if canceled after April 14th, 2024, after 4:00 pm.  There is a cancelation fee of $40 per attendee.  Payment by check should be made by April 14th or a credit card payment is preferred.  The full fee is due at time of registration.. 

Please call Melissa at 877-366-1144 x 1 for details.

Lori Koeppel BSN, RN, NHA, DNS-CT, DON-C, Executive Director of Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council
Colleen Toebe MSN, CWCN, RAC-MTA, RAC-MT, DNS-MT, VP of Clinical Services, Pathway Health

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